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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Lab experiments are categorized under the topics of BiologyBiotechnologyChemistryEnvironmental Science with Newly added Climate and Meteorology labs , PhysicsRenewable Energy or Robotics.

These labs are designed for grades 9 through 12, and include hands-on, inquiry-based learning activities. The Middle School Science 实验室实验是专门为六年级到九年级的学生编写的,并基于介绍性地球科学中的概念, life science, physical science, and integrated science courses. 许多实验室利用游标检测器和接口来收集和分析各种各样的数据.  Also, check out our Newly added STEAM activities 适合中、高年级学生的水平.

We also have expanded our resources to support Elementary School Science suitable for grades 4 and up.  Experiments are designed to explore changes in temperature, pressure, motion, force, light, magnetic fields and voltage.  Kits include building electric circuits, 使用“可视化计算机”学习计算机编程的基础知识, studying solar energy and wind turbines, and using LEGOS to construct and test simple machines.

您可以通过打开其中一个主题文件夹预览实验,然后选择合适的游标实验手册或单独的SIM实验. Click on the”Experiment Title” link to the experiment(s) that you wish to examine. 游标网页提供了与国家和国家科学标准相关的实验描述.

在您提交借用设备或获得特定实验室移动教育者服务的请求后, 然后你会收到学生和老师的实验版本的Word格式的电子邮件, using the equipment and probeware interface of your choice. (LCCC SIM具有LabQuest 2接口单元,您可以借用它来进行实验,而无需计算机.)您可以编辑实验的Word文件以满足您的特定需求,并制作副本以供您的课程使用.

We also have 37 different Flinn Lab Kits 它们有足够的化学物质和材料供12个实验室小组进行实验. 对于多个班级或更大的团体,LCCC SIM计划可能有额外的库存. Common lab equipment, 也可能需要烧杯和刻度气缸, as described in the “Materials” section of the lab procedure. The extra lab equipment is also available through LCCC SIM.

我们的项目也有各种各样的显微镜和准备好的幻灯片,可以用来“近距离”观察科学.  这些方法既可以让学生探索隐藏的世界,也可以由教师在讨论植物标本的特征和结构时,在白板上投影图像来演示, animals and minerals.  Check out the options below at the LCCC SIM Microscopes and Slides inventory.


显微镜载玻片组(100 Gen生物学)联合科学用品#SLD100N
Microscope Slide Set (36 Digestive System) Ward’s Histology
Microscope Slide Set (6 Endochrine System) Ward’s Histology
Microscope Slide Set (6 Excretory System) Ward’s Histology
Microscope Slide Set (9 Muscular Tissue) Ward’s Histology
Microscope Slide Set (34 Nervous System) Ward’s Histology
Microscope Slide Set – Ward’s Human Body

Various Models and Specimens are available to examine leaf and rock collections, biological specimens preserved in plastocast, construct molecular models using Lewis Structures, and study human anatomy and organs.  In some cases, 模型/标本的班级集可供学生小组工作使用, 否则,只有教师示范模型可供课堂使用.

Newly added to the LCCC SIM Program in 2018 is Pivot Interactives , a powerful supplement to hands‑on experimentation, 允许学生一次改变一个实验参数,以查看同一实验的许多慢动作记录的结果. 学生们直接在网络环境中测量和分析他们的数据,以“发现”科学原理. 为了预习140多门物理课程, chemistry, biology, and middle school science, connect to and click on the Pivot Interactives Library. Then click on Preview. 这将允许你根据内容来评估课程, key focus questions, and possible data analysis, but the videos will not play during this preview. Submit the LCCC SIM request form found at LCCC SIM Request Form to gain access to the video resources found at

为了通过提供科学教育资源来不断扩大我们的支持,我们有 STEAM 旨在让学生进行动手实验,探索各种科学概念. These include studying electrical conductivity, changes in matter inside a vacuum chamber, transformations in chemical heat and mechanical energy, applications of simple machines, bridge design, construction and strength testing, soda bottle and model rocketry, and roller coaster physics.这些活动适合那些希望将其用于个别班级或科学博览会或STEM俱乐部的扩展项目的教师.

We also have available 25 PC and 25 Mac versions of “Chemistry in a Flash“, 一种美国大学理事会批准的电子化学教科书,放在闪存盘上,重点介绍在AP化学考试中取得成功的基本要素. It doesn’t even need the internet!  所呈现的概念和主题涵盖了美国大学理事会对该课程的描述及其2014年AP化学课程框架中的所有内容. 这些包括AP预科和AP化学技能和基本知识. 更多细节和介绍视频可以在trivedicchemistry找到.你可以借这些闪存驱动器一个星期(或更长时间取决于需求),在学校用你的电脑或作为带回家的作业.

如果您想借用设备和材料用于模拟模拟实验之一, please complete the Mobile Educator Visit/Equipment Loan Request Form and submit it to the SIM Staff at .

Equipment may be borrowed for a one-week period.


请把实验室收拾好,准备好文件,明早来取设备. Equipment may be picked up or dropped off at any time during the day; however the SIM staff will try to work with you to get an estimated time of arrival.

请在预定的设备取货前填写好LCCC SIM卡取货收据和LCCC SIM卡质量控制表. 如果您在预定的取货时间内没有完成设备的取货,请尽快与SIM的工作人员联系.

没有其他人要求提供材料的,可以延期. In order to provide the best support possible, 你将被要求完成对实验活动的简短评估, which can be found at Post visit/loan evaluation.